Thursday, April 25, 2013

Pink Floyd Birthday Cake?

Hi Everyone!

Last year, for my son's 25th birthday (May 27), I made him a "Snowboarder Cake"...It came out really nice and my son enjoyed it!

My son, Angelo is a huge Pink Floyd fan, so I was thinking of making this Pink Floyd album cover-cake for him...using sugar "cubes", which I noticed are available as rectangles, then using dark chocolate icing to make the lettering!  (the sugar cubes would be removed before cutting the cake?)

I know May 27th is a month away, but I like to plan these things in my head in advance!  Any suggestions are definitely welcome!
Besides snowboarding and Pink Floyd, he also likes "Game of Thrones", "Dexter", and "Sushi"...LOL

Ciao for now,
Gina D.


Sorry for the update delay, but here is a photo of the finished product!  Thankfully, I used regular white frosting to make the "bricks", and not sugar cubes!  LOL

Ciao for now,

Gina D.


  1. Great idea for Angelo's birthday cake! Cake decorating is so much fun!

  2. Hi Mike, yes I look forward to coming up with a new idea every year. Thanks for reading my blog Mike!
