Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Nathan's Hot Dog, Noodle Soup, Creepy House...Oh My!

Sometimes  you wake up, and you are just determined to make it a light and healthy-eating-day.  And sometimes you don't!  I've been wanting a Nathan's hot dog with Nathan's fries for the longest time.

Since I already had planned to go to Time Warner Cable Express to exchange two broken remote controls, I figured I would head to the Nathan's at the Food Court, also located in the Queens Center Mall.

The hot dog and fries were yummy, but how could I pass up a nice hot bowl of Noodle Soup from Noodle House, which was staring me in the face?  I couldn't.  

I ordered the Wonton Noodle Soup and it was delicious!  The noodles had a "hand-pulled" texture with a bit of a chew to them, and the pork/shrimp wontons were yummy as well.  

My beautiful bowl of Wonton Noodle Soup...

I took the Q60 bus back home which runs along Queens Boulevard.  Along the short walk home, I came across this abandoned house on 52nd Street and Roosevelt Avenue.  It would make a great stop-and-look for kids (and adults), on Halloween Night...don't you think?  LOL!

Needless to say, I'm so full!  I can't believe I ate the WHOLE!

Happy Fall to All...Happy Eating, also!  If you feel like eating something, eat it!  It's all about moderation.

Ciao for now,
Gina D.


  1. Sounds like you a had a wonderful time! I am going to have to try those Nathans hot dogs one day! Wow, that house looks really scary! A wonderful blog, Gina!

  2. Thanks Mike! Yes, you have to try a Nathan's dog...they're really good! I'm glad you have been enjoying the posts, Mike!
