Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fire-Escape Pigeons

Every morning, a group of pigeons gather on the branches of the Honey Locust tree, directly outside my window.

The reason they gather there is because some time ago, I threw some leftover bread crusts out on the fire escape to a lone pigeon that was sitting there.

He must have told the other pigeons because the next day, there they were...on the branches, waiting for me to throw some MORE bread crusts!  

Along with any leftover bread crusts, I also feed them leftover seeds from my cockatiel's seed bowl.  They seem to love it.


  1. So nice of you! They need it as the weather becomes colder. I used to do the same with sparrows!


  2. Well, sparrows also manage to swipe a seed or two in between the commotion of the pigeons! Thanks Mike!
