Thursday, November 8, 2012

Letters, etc., From MaryJane #1

Starting this evening, and for the remainder of the month of November, my posts will be dedicated to the memory of my dear friend, MaryJane, who recently passed away.  I will be posting an assorted combination of excerpts of letters she wrote to me, anecdotes, and funny stories.

If you haven't already read..."Taking The Train To MaryJane", and "Visited With MaryJane Today", here are the links to do so:

"...It was Jim Morrison of The Doors who sang

Life is a series of burned out bomb sites
No one escapes the fire
If you live, you burn.

He also sang

Death makes angels of us all
and gives us wings
where once we had shoulders
smooth as a raven's wing.

No second acts in life.

Too late now for Luddy to start eating his vegetables."                 Love, MJ

***Excerpt from a letter written by MaryJane to me on 2/19/10.  "Luddy" was a mutual friend who had just passed away.  Her last line referred to the fact that Luddy once mentioned that he had never eaten a vegetable in his really had a unique way of looking at things!***


  1. Heavyyyyy!

    Wow,the handwriting is breathtaking!

  2. Yes, Mike she had amazing handwriting...I will post more letters fully hand-written! Thanks for reading Mike!
