Saturday, November 10, 2012

Letters, etc., From MaryJane #3

Every evening, for the remainder of the month of November, my posts will be dedicated to the memory of my dear friend, MaryJane, who recently passed away.  I will be posting an assorted combination of excerpts of letters she wrote to me, anecdotes, and funny stories.

If you haven't already read..."Taking The Train To MaryJane", and "Visited With MaryJane Today", here are the links to do so:

"Dear Tiger Lilly.

Thanks for all the good things.  I was going to get you a little pumpkin.

Finbar said he is sick and tired of my caterwauling and, indeed, if he hears as much as another whimper from me he is going to jump out of his tank and try to make it to your house.

My arm is much much better and I have stopped taking ibuprophen.  When I finish this note I think I might take another.

After this I am always going to put my toys away, you betcha!

Of course I'll be all right for the luncheon.  I have never missed a meal.  Is Thursday all right.  Fine by me.

Betty Ann gets back today.

Haven't seen Elizabeth.

Have not seen you either, but I know you are there.

Love,  MJ"

***Letter written to me by MaryJane, dated 10/11/08.  MaryJane often called me "Tiger Lilly".  In Buddhism, a Tiger Lilly flower is presented as a flower of mercy and compassion.
Finbar was a Gold Fish she had, which grew to be enormous!  LOL.  Betty Ann is a neighbor of ours in the building.  Elizabeth was a neighbor directly across from MaryJane.***


  1. I love these kinds of letters!

  2. Me too Mike...I always looked forward to receiving them! Thanks for reading!
